Harry, I am in your camp when it comes to willpower and discipline. As you said, these are not traits reserved for only some. They can be skills that can and MUST be developed, such as cooking, public speaking, etc.

To become our higher-self, we must first conquer ourselves from within.

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Appreciate you reading 👊🏽

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There are some great concepts in here! I view will power sort of like a nitro boost. It’s not good for sustained energy but it can be good to get yourself going. The 10 minute rule is a great example of this. That if you use will power for 10 minutes often times the craving will just dissipate.

One other thing I find really useful is to know what battles to fight. If you know that you are in a super weakened state sometimes it’s better to not waste the precious little energy you have fighting. Just let it happen and choose the fights you know you can win.

Thank you for talking about important concepts like this. I appreciate the work you do.

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I appreciate your kind words and nice to hear your added perspective too :) thanks

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Ah my friend, your comment has made my day. I’m fired up too! Haha

Love that quote about Satan. Same message but that quote is slightly more poetic haha! Love it.


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This stuff is right up my alley and it fires me the eff up!

The part about starting addiction in the eyes and even then saying no is just *chef's kiss*. Having that level of strength and control is my ultimate goal.

Your article also reminds me of something that I once heard a wise man say. He said that pretending Satan doesn't exist won't help you beat him. Instead, acknowledge his presence, tell him that you are tempted by his whispers and what he offers certainly does draw you in. But you CHOOSE to not listen.

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Very interesting take on building will power and highly useful as well. I am one of those 'out of sight, out of mind kinda' person but the techniques you mentioned here are much better. Loved the idea to, "Welcome these addictive traps to sit right in front of you, challenging you to give in." I'm surely gonna try that!

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